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Killer Sales Team Evaluation | Joe Ellers Online Sales Training

Killer Sales Team Evaluation

Litmus Test for the 6 Critical Areas (CA) Any Sales Manager Should Be Clear On:

CA #1: Hiring

Question: Do you currently have sales people working for you that didn’t pan out like you’d hoped?

CA #2: Compensation

Question: Do you have sales people who’ve reached a plateau and are satisfied with what they’re earning and you can’t get them to sell anymore than what they’re selling now?

CA #3: Setting Your Course

Question:Do you have a clear course-direction for each person pin-pointing where they’re headed, how they’re going to get there and what you’ve got to do to help them maintain this course?

CA #4: Strategy

Question: Does the strategy you set for your sales team every year mirror what actually happened by years end?

CA #5: Sales Meetings

Question:Do your sales people walk out of your sales meetings blown away at the knowledge and power you’ve just bestowed on them and can’t wait to get out in the field and put it to work?

CA #6: Training & Development

Question: Do you find it hard to get real-change out of your ‘old dogs’ and ‘young punks’ (no disrespect to either group) to such a degree that it’s probably hindering your overall sales efforts?

As a Sales Manager myself, I can tell you that at one time or another I’ve faced all these issues. But now I don’t. Because I set my sales management process up in such a way where we eliminate these problem-issues and incorporate these strategies into our daily operation.

Hope you’re doing the same!

Feel free to comment below


P.S. I’ve got something pretty cool I’m going to be sharing with you tomorrow. Look for another email from me.

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