Archive for May 2011
It’s Friday and I hope you got done more this week than usual…or at least got the same amount done but spent less time doing it.
Another milestone of this topic is just feeling more organized or structured in the way you do things.
Not feeling so overwhelmed with so much on your plate.
What ever your objectives were for going through the program, I trust you are making progress towards them.
Most of you started around kick off time and are nicely progressing through Module 5 working out your strategy.
If you’re not that far along yet, just wait…strategy is where it’s at baby!
You’ve got to have a plan and map this thing out otherwise, you’re back where you started…wondering around aimlessly:)
Anyway, hope you’re coming along just fine.
Be sure to send me your comments, questions, issues, successes, etc. on the comments page.
Have a great weekend!
How’s it going?
Greetings time management gurus…glad to see the comments have stopped coming in, that means you’re spending time on what’s important…SALES (just kidding, I like the comments, keep em coming)
Let me throw a few things at you:
1. Be sure to add May 27 on your calender if you’ve not already done so, that’s out last module call and Q & A. Even if you’re not to that module yet by then, you’ll want to join in so you can hear the live call and participate in the Q & A. See Module 6 for details.
2. There’s a natural tendency to rush to put all the good stuff you’re learning into practice all at once, which seems like a good idea, but also comes with some possible negatives.
The first of which is OVERLOAD. Some of this stuff you’re going to need to phase in, otherwise face burn-out.
The other of which is you implement a bunch of the tactics in the first half of the training, get overwhelmed but also get good results, and never end up going back and implementing the 2nd half.
I’m here to tell you that full implementation over time has a gargantuan compounding effect. So even though you may get good results by applying just a few strategies, taking the time to work through to the end will pay off exponentially.
I encourage you NOT to tackle a gazillion things at one time, but to implement steadily so you’re change is long lasting.
Hope this helps
Helping Your People
Sales success is a function of repeatable processes. Your goal is to help your salespeople (and yourself) by putting together a regular set of activities that drive the behaviors that you want.
Improved performance generally comes from the following:
-Clearly outlining results expectations
- Clearly outlining activity expectations
-Managing the activities that produce the right results
- Measuring the activities and the results
-Providing feedback on the efforts
And all of these things require that you do something regularly. If you do these things—but on an infrequent or irregular basis—you will get about the same results as if you and your partner use birth control irregularly.
Here’s a full article on it if you want to keep reading