Want something to ponder over the weekend?
Try these on for size…
Why am I doing what I’m doing?
Why do I want more?
What would I do with more______________?
What if I had more time in a day?
What would I do with that time?
-Sell more..
-Play more…
-Socialize more…
-More time with family…
Why am I doing things this way?
Why am I doing what I’ve always done?
Why am I ‘Stuck’
It would be easy to gloss over these and say..”Yea Joe, good questions…thanks for making me think”
But sadly, few will actually take the time to truly ponder these for themselves.
I guess if your life is 1000% perfect in every way, you could argue exemption from this ponder…But most of us would benefit from at least answering 1 of these WHYs!
If you’re a sales manager, you can be certain at least some of your people have never taken the time to get clear on these.
So just do it…See what you come up with.
And if you want to share…I’d love to see what you end up with…
For the brave…write a post over at:
In our continuing discussion on…
“What’s the Best Use of Your Time”
We’ve got a little something coming your way on Monday that will help you answer some of the WHYs behind the TIME conundrum.
See ya Monday…till then, have a great weekend!
Brother Joe-