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Dont overcomplicate this thing | Joe Ellers Online Sales Training

Dont overcomplicate this thing

So, we’ve been getting some ‘private’ comments and questions in about how detailed is too detailed. How ‘tight should I run this ship’.

Good questions, let me address:

Don’t overcomplicate it now.

Do something.
Take Action
Make Progress.

You can always go back later and re-visit, make adjustments, make improvements.

The worst thing is to work night and day to try and come up with your ‘master plan’ only to implement it (months late) and realize you flaws.

Hey, this is a working process, ever evolving.

Waiting it’s perfect is foolish. don’t do it!

So to all of you who raised this question:

Do something Now, Take action, don’t wait till your new sales time control plan is completely flushed out.


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