Time Management vs Time Control
I’m in sales offices 3-4 days a week somewhere around the country and to this day I still run across a rampant problem of wasted time, poor use of time and often utterly ridiculous rituals sales people still seem to engage in, in an effort to make more sales.
Maybe you’ve experienced the same thing…
I often believe, that the real reason this problem exists is that…‘some people just don’t want to work’.
So they come up with all sorts of other things they call work, but that yield no results.
Now to be totally fair, others I see are out there totally busting loose. Yet unfortunately getting meager results.
It’s not that they don’t want to work, they’re just operating off some bad advice.
Sure, I see a handful of pros that are the top sellers in their companies who have figured this whole thing out.
But out of all 3 of these groups, there’s one thing for certain.
•If they could work 30-40 hours a week and still sell the same amount they’re now selling in 40-50 hours a week, they’d raise their hand and say ‘sign me up’.
Absolutely no one (in their right mind) wants to take longer than necessary to get the same job done.
But that’s exactly what’s happening in sales floors all across the country.
Truthfully, I really don’t blame the sales people who find themselves in this predicament. It’s usually not even their fault.
They’ve been subject to bad advice, generic time management principles, or they’ve been left totally to their own devices to sort it out and just never came up with a good plan.
No mater which way you look at it though, there is an underlying truth, that once discovered and deployed could change your life.
Here it is:
“Someone’s Getting The Same Results You’re Getting But With a Lot Less Time & Effort Spent to Achieve it.”
Hey, and if you’re OK with that, and have no desire to spend less time getting the same results. No Problem.
===>BUT…if you want to see what they’re doing that you’re not…Click Here and I’ll show you.
Think about it!
P.S. One of the things that causes people to slip back into old unproductive habits is lack of a good WHY.
In this case…what would you actually do with that extra 10 hours a week?
-Play more golf?
-Spend more time with the kids?
-Fish more?
-Volunteer more?