Hi, my name is Joe Ellers and I would like to welcome you to Sales manager’s Excellence… Online : Sales Management Series . This program has been specifically designed and customized to meet the needs of Sales Management professionals.
This program was designed to be done over approximately a 10 month period. The program can be completed in less time, but one of the keys to your success with this program will be your implementation of what you learn and discover here.
Here is the ideal scenario:
1. You review and complete the Pre-assignment for the module
2. You listen to the audio portion
3. You begin implementing the tools and processes learned in each module, then…
4. Come back and take the testing portion.
As you progress through the course, you will want to keep copies of the assignments, tests and other work you do as a future point of reference.
The easiest way to accomplish this is either to:
1. Create a folder on your computer specifically for this program…2. Create a 3 ring binder and print copies of your documents.
(I recommend printing them out, so you can easily refer to them over and over.)
For your convenience, a graphic image of the course title is available at bottom right, so you can print out a COVER for your printed notebook.
Note Book Cover Graphic Image
Right Click, “Save Target As”
Following this procedure, you will maximize the results by combining learning with actual implementation.
Enjoy the program!
Joe Ellers